Friday, January 7, 2011

Jersey Shore is Fucking Stupid and You're Fucking Stupid for Watching

Now I have a pretty big and diverse group of friends. I'm cool with a lot of different people. The only real fault I have with people now a days is if they actually enjoy watching the MTV show "Jersey Shore".

This show is fucking awful. Go ahead, call me a hater. I'm not. If you like that show you fail on multiple layers. The show has nothing to offer intellectually at all. I'm pretty sure Hannibal Lector could eat part of my brain for dinner and I'd still be able to have enough intelligence to follow this horrid show.

Following in the steps of MTV's most popular and successful franchise of all-time "The Real World", Jersey Shore is literally a reality show with Italian-Americans that party and fight every episode. Now I'm not dumb, I can see why some people would find that entertaining. I like to party and I've been known to party hard. At the same time I've also been known to get into altercations at these parties. That being said just because you get drunk and act like a douche bag doesn't mean you should get a t.v. show.

The biggest attraction to the show for most of the people that watch the show religiously is the actual cast. Most of the girls find the steroid taking, overly-tan, male members of the cast attractive. That's fine. I'm not hating. That being said these are some of the least interesting guys I've ever seen. Mike "The Situation" may indeed be the dumbest human-being alive. I even feel that calling him a human-being gives him too much credit. Yes he has a six pack. That's fucking fantastic. Besides that he offers nothing to society. I'd like to see him get captured as a Prisoner of War by Russia. I'd like to see him get his precious torso eaten by wild boars while he's still alive.

The funny thing is "The Situation" never seems to get into a real fight. Now I've only seen highlights of the show so I could be wrong about this. He seems to just get "drunk" and yell at people. I'd like to see him come to a real house party and try that shit. He'd probably get his ass beat. Fuck and him and his family. He's a piece of shit.

The star of the show is Snorkie aka "Snookie". This creature is the fugliest piece of shit to ever be on television in the history of television. That much I'm sure of. If you're a guy and you find her attractive I'm pretty sure you either don't have a penis or you're blind. She's way too tan and looks like a troll that would live under a bridge. She has big tits, awesome. Too bad her tits looks like she's smuggling illegal immagrants into the country. If I was so repulsed by her and could actually get through touching her, I'd grab her by her tits and choke her to death with them.

Snooki represents everything that is wrong with our society. I can't believe people treat her as a celebrity. If I saw her I'd probably pick up the biggest rock I could find and smash her in the face with it. Fuck that bitch. The other day I saw Snookie If she got hit by two buses going full speed and then had her corpse raped by 35 homeless men, all of which missing a limb, I would throw a party every year on the date that it happened.

Finally if I was Italian or an Italian-American I would be insulted and embarrassed by this travesty of a show. They openly call themselves guidos and guidettes and just take a big nasty shit all over America and the history of Italians. The only reason I would ever watch an entire episode is if there was hope that Robert DeNiro and Joe Pesci would invade the cast with machine guns killing every last person in that house.


  1. i hate that show but your article is stupid. first off, why would you astercize the F word once in your title but not the 2nd time? thats pretty dumb

    Secondly, mike 'the situation' is not as stupid as you make him out to be. he's a business man and an actor. he has openly admitted his persona on the show is an act. he has also exploited the show to allow himself to launch his own vodka line and supplement line, besides owning his own chain of gyms previous to going on the show.

    he's rich as hell and took an opportunity and ran with it. who's the stupid one here? you for being jealous or him for exploiting america?

  2. I don't respond to people that post comments on blogs anonymously. Grow a sack.

  3. For the record this really wasn't an article. Just a rant.

  4. Every reason you gave as to why it's so bad is exactly why most people watch it. Reality television in this country is sad, but Americans enjoy watching people make asses out of themselves on television. The show is actually hilarious. It's a shock that people like that actually exist.

  5. I would love to know what personal stake you have Mr./Miss/Mrs. Anonymous in defending this shit of a show? (I must state that I watched the first 10 minutes of the first episode and never tuned-in again - it was that terrible). Beyond that, I cannot believe I even asked you that question. Nonetheless, I think the stupid one is s/he who defends a show which offers nothing to our Nation's Youth. Furthermore, Mike whoever the fuck he is is not a businessman - He is a child in a man's body pulled along by the hand of his agent. I will concurrently counter your most likely reply regarding my supposed jealousy by claiming I have no desire to profit from ignorance

  6. The only reason I would ever watch an entire episode is if there was hope that Robert DeNiro and Joe Pesci would invade the cast with machine guns killing every last person in that house.

    That would be epic.

  7. I post anymously to eliminate any kind of personal bias or preconceived notions you have against who I am. What I am trying to create is a discussion purely based on facts, but if that is not what you want, fine, but never call yourself a journalist.

    'He offers nothing to society'? What do you offer may I ask? I hate the show, but that is my personal belief and I do not tell other people they are fucking idiots for liking it. That is illogical.

    He entertains people. He never claimed to be a doctor or a scientist but he satisfies a need of the consumer and therefore is a businessman. I find the show to be obnoxious, but that's why I don't watch it, not post on facebook and blogs about how 'fucking/f***** stupid people are' for watching it.

    Nate, I know who you are and I know for a fact you do not exactly exemplify the word 'success'.

    You attack a show instead of arguing the actual movement of interest that our society has take. To reword that for something that is more on your's and your reader's intellectual level, 'blame the player, not the game'. The show is what the viewer's want and is not any worse than the other reality shows that exist.

  8. Well I never claimed to be a success - Not sure what that's about. Would argue though that acquiring a Master's degree before the age of 25 is a step in the right direction of attaining success, which I would also argue is defined by the individual.

    I think a better analogy would be to, "Blame the player, not the ticket holder."

    Regardless, the point of this article isn't to insult eachother, it's to discuss the terrible show - At least we can agree on that.

  9. You seem very upset. Were you a casting Reject for Jersey Shore? Thats pretty fucking sad.

  10. You couldn’t really consider this an “article”, because as an “article”, it sucks, but as a “rant”, its fking awesome.
    I loved this rant, it was fking hilarious. I’m not gonna call people “stupid” for watching this show though...that's a bit harsh, (although that’s how I feel to).
    I have less respect for anyone that watches and enjoys this show. Some people watch it because they think it's funny, that's fine, but I question what you find is "funny". I have almost no respect for people that idolize the characters of this show, especially “Snorkie” *Snookie.
    The characters on this show are fake as shit. Why are they fake? Anyone who would make a disgusting ass idiot of themselves and at the same time have a negative impact on kids and society all for money…then yea I’m callin you FAKE. I would rather be fking poor than fake and rich.
    If you feel the desire to defend this show after reading this “rant”, then you should probably be on Jersey Shore with the rest of them fkin scrubs. - Orris

  11. You couldn’t really consider this an “article”, because as an “article”, it sucks, but as a “rant”, its fking awesome. I loved this rant, it was fking hilarious. I’m not gonna call people “stupid” for watching this show, that’s a bit harsh (although that’s how I feel). I have less respect for anyone that watches and enjoys this show. Some people think this show is funny, but I would question what they think is “funny”, this is just my opinion, but you must have to have a dry ass sense of humor to laugh at a show that is staged with actors that act like they are drunk and retarted. I have almost no respect for people that idolize the characters of this show, especially “Snorkie” *Snookie. The characters on this show are fake as shit. Why are they fake? Anyone who would make a disgusting ass idiot of themselves and at the same time have a negative impact on kids and society all for money…then yea I’m callin you FAKE. I would rather be fking poor than fake and rich. If you feel the desire to defend this show after reading this “rant”, then you should probably be on Jersey Shore with the rest of them fkin scrubs. - Orris

  12. You couldn’t really consider this an “article”, because as an “article”, it sucks, but as a “rant”, its fking awesome. I loved this rant, it was fking hilarious. I’m not gonna call people “stupid” for watching this show, that’s a bit harsh (although that’s how I feel). I have less respect for anyone that watches and enjoys this show. Some people think this show is funny, but I would question what they think is “funny”, this is just my opinion, but you must have to have a dry ass sense of humor to laugh at a show that is staged with actors that act like they are drunk and retarted. I have almost no respect for people that idolize the characters of this show, especially “Snorkie” *Snookie. The characters on this show are fake as shit. Why are they fake? Anyone who would make a disgusting ass idiot of themselves and at the same time have a negative impact on kids and society all for money…then yea I’m callin you FAKE. I would rather be fking poor than fake and rich. If you feel the desire to defend this show after reading this “rant”, then you should probably be on Jersey Shore with the rest of them fkin scrubs. - Orris

  13. I am going to post as anonymous, but its because I'm lazy, saw this article and really want to voice my opinion.
    For those who are posting in defense of this show: You are retarded, and the reasons that society is declining.
    For those posting against this article: You are sideline cheerleaders. The people that just want to say HEY YOU ARE DUMB AND MEAN just because you can.
    Everyone: Grow the fuck up, and tell you peers/family/friends to do the same. This show is a horrible excuse for entertainment.
    OH And to comment poster Mark: You are one of those sideline cheerleaders with nothing productive to say. Get a life or grow some balls.
    Peace! :)

  14. Just because they party better than you on Jersey Shore doesn't mean it is a stupid show! They show real Americans how to party.

  15. They're weak as hell when it comes to partying. I've been to parties that I can even speak about. Sorry that show is lame and you're lame for watching.

  16. That was the funniest and truest shit I have ever read. Thank you for expressing my views on that extremely retarded show.
