Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Final Take on the Death of Ryan Dunn

written by Alex Muchnok

Ryan Dunn, aka “The Random Hero,” was one of the most entertaining individuals that we saw over this past decade.  He not only made people laugh and smile, but his heartwarming and wild personality made others around him feel alive. 

Ryan Dunn’s death -which happened a week ago- shocked millions of people.  According to a TMZ report, police say that Dunn may have been traveling up to 130 MPH, and was possibly intoxicated.  His car collided with a guard rail, flew into the woods, and practically “exploded.” 

Several comments have been made over this past week; some that I was absolutely disgusted with to say the least.  When it comes to death, all jokes and humor should be put aside.  What people are forgetting is that they are talking about somebody’s loved one, somebody’s child, and somebody’s friend.  Whether or not Dunn was intoxicated, it was still a bad decision on his part to drive 130 MPH down a freeway at three in the morning.  We all make mistakes in life; some of us are just luckier than others.  So regardless of what all went on during that tragic night in West Chester, Ryan Dunn will always be remembered for being a heartwarming individual, and an admirable entertainer.

Dunn’s friend, Zach Hartwell, who helped produce Jackass 2, was also killed in the crash.  He just recently married, and was an ex-marine. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families of these two young men, who both had so much going for them.

Drive safe everyone.  Nobody is invincible.  Anything can happen to anyone.


  1. Oh, this guy was on Jackass? Well, good riddance. Glad he's dead.

  2. your sick. seriously.

  3. You're* illiterate. Seriously. You're actually going to tell me that all of the idiots on that show that pierced their ass cheeks together and took dumps on doll houses and shoved toy cars up their asses contributed to the world?

    Get the hell out of here. You people that actually wasted a second brooding about the loss of this goof are the ones that might be sick.

  4. Bar Keep, the funny thing is that these guys all have way more money than you ever will and they probably put in half the work. You're just jealous.

  5. I'm still alive. I'll take that.

  6. I've got to side with barkeep on this one. To call these cats "talented" is retarded. The guys 15 minutes were up anyway and the world has already forgotten this clown even existed.

  7. Thank you. And the thing is that anyone that pulls the "you're just jealous" card is a retard. How am I jealous of those goofs and yet cheer for my favorite athletes, who make millions, and not be jealous of them?

    Mr. Anonymous even contradicts himself by saying "the probably put in half the work." If you don't see the problem with that statement then you need to have your brain screened.

    I've already put in at least three times the work then all of them combined, and I still have less then any one of them. And you know what? I'd still rather have that way. I'd rather contribute to the world. I will take a celebratory drink to the death of this piece of shit later today. Deal with it.

  8. His 15 minutes were up? He was just getting started you ignorant moron.

  9. Bar Keep I respect your opinion that you don't find the jackass series funny, but why so much hate?

    What if your best friend was in this situation? Would you hate or envy him because he was on jackass? I highly doubt it. Would it upset or anger you if you saw a comment similar to the one you made? Probably.

    So you have to realize that there are two sides to everything. Now I am not saying that I knew Ryan Dunn, but being a huge fan since I was a young kid, it hurts to see him go.

    Now "jazzygeoff," to say that his "15 minutes were up" was just plain ignorant. He has a movie coming out soon- (trailer here- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_W3DK-Eu1E) and a brand new show, "G4" which was set to premier, but was post-poned after his death. I think you should check it out. Even outside of jackass, Ryan Dunn was very funny.

  10. I don't think you guys actually know what the word ignorant means. I am quite knowledgeable about this kid being a talentless hack. I'm guessing both of you are either 16 or younger or in a frat since those are the only people who find this douche entertaining. It is obvious you are a bit dilusional, Alex as you are referring to this guy as "your best friend." This guy is on the same level as the Jersey Shore assholes. The only reason everyone watched so intently is because we all knew this guy was stupid enough to kill himself trying to be cool and funny. It took some time, but I finally got my money's worth...

  11. I actually wasn't referring to this guy as my best friend. I was using an analogy. If you would have read my entire comment, then you would have noticed that I said "I have never met this man." Trust me, if a reality tv start was my best friend, I would have serious problems. By the way, your comment was ignorant. You said his 15 minutes were up, and they weren't, and I showed evidence of that. Have a good day sir.

  12. so you can speak in code but I can't? fair enough.
