Thursday, June 2, 2011

Why John Cena Will Never Turn Heel

For the past couple years all I hear in the IWC is when will John Cena Turn Heel? Or I can’t stand John Cena. John Cena is so stale. John Cena is only over with little kids or women. Come on people, they will never turn John Cena heel.

He is the face of the company. No not face as in the good guy. John Cena is the one person in the WWE today that everyone has heard of. He also represents the company the best anyone possibly could.

Sure The Miz may be better promoting the company. He may be better in the media getting recognition the WWE’s way. But he is not John Cena.

“Superman” fulfills the most Make A Wish requests of any athlete in any sport today! That is remarkable.

I don’t know about anyone else but I admire Cena a lot for that. He truly does not have to do that. Sure he can do some wishes here and there when he has time, but to go out of his way to bring a smile to as many of these poor kids he can is amazing.

John Cena has also starred in a few movies. That is also getting mainstream publicity to the WWE.

Finally the way he carries himself outside of the ring is impeccable. He never gets into trouble. He never assaulted anyone. I don’t think he even got pulled over for a speeding ticket. I am sure we would have heard of it if he did.

This is the PG era. It can be debated if the Attitude era is better or not. This is the direction Vince McMahon wants to go with the company.

John Cena is the perfect face of the company for everything they represent now. Turning John Cena heel will only turn off the fan base they are trying to attract. That is the little kids up to teenage years.

On top of that, John Cena has the most popular merchandise of any WWE star. Sure if you turn him heel they may make up some of the difference with the older audience buying the merchandise. It will not be the same as it now.

I know I will get some backlash for this. I am 20 year old guy and I am a big John Cena fan. I know I am probably the only fan of his that is not under 16 or a woman. I can hear it now. “Go eat your baby food and put on your diapers you big baby, real wrestling fans can’t stand him!”

I do agree he is in need of character change. He does need to bring a new edge to his character. He also needs to lose his five move set. But no matter the cries of the IWC John Cena will never turn heel! I actually support Vince McMahon for once with that decision. Turning John Cena heel would turn the company upside down from every direction. That will not happen, at least not yet.

written by Michael Healy

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