Thursday, December 27, 2012

Jerry Sandusky Meets Steel Valley

Something might be going on in the Steel Valley School District.Something similar to what happened at Penn State University, but just on a much smaller scale.From what I have gathered from numerous anonymous sources, former Assistant Principal and former Steel Valley Varsity soccer coach Scott Meade has been suspended off of school property for several accusations involving child pornography and sexual misconduct with minors.

This is a quote from a anonymous source who went to Steel Valley High School while Mr. Meade was a serving president. " he has been remove from his position at SV the police confiscated his cell phone and computer because he has been accused of sexual misconduct with several male minors".

This same source also played in the Munhall hockey league known as the "FHL" which stands for Franklin Hockey League. Mr. Meade was also very deeply involved in the daily operations of that league, which allowed minors to play in.

Mr. Meade has not been at the FHL at all this year though. Again, from what I have heard Meade is not allowed on school property, although the school still has him listed under administrators on the school's website.

Again, these charges are very serious and I would not want to pronounce someone guilty of anything until it's proven. Trust me I know what that feels like. I'm merely pointing out the fact that this is huge news or at least it should be huge news.

Why hasn't any of the local news stations or papers done a story on this. Why aren't parents up in arms. Why did my little brother, who currently goes to Steel Valley say that he and other students were told "not to talk about it"?

You have to wonder why everything is being kept a secret. Seeing as I have three other siblings whom I help take care of, I am very concerned about the lack of information the local police and the school have given out. It feels like Penn State all over again.

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