Monday, December 17, 2012

Good to be home. New perspective on life.

I'm back! Finally, after making some poor choices, getting my heart broken into pieces, and losing time out of my life, I am finally home. When your life comes to a sudden stop like mine did, and you get smacked in the face with reality, you start to learn an awful lot about life. I have humbled myself a lot, and I have chosen to take all of my recent experiences and use them to reevaluate my life, my plans for the future, and all of my decisions.

My whole life I always wanted to entertain people and because of my ego I made sure people knew and saw what I said. However, a lot of times I went about it the wrong way. I've made my fair share of bad decisions and in June they all finally caught up to me. It was bound to happen. But luckily for me God has chosen to give me a do-over. I'm not going to a prison for a long time, I'm in good health for the most part, I have a lot of great friends and family, I have a lot of supporters of my work out there, and all of that is more than what I deserve. I'm not a felon, or a rapist, child molester, or a murder.I didn't beat my wife or girlfriend nor did I even threaten anyone. I did some things the wrong way and I paid for it. You live and you learn.

. And I want to thank all of the people in my life and in my online life that said kind words and continued to support me. It was truly awesome to read so many nice comments and have the love and support from great families and friends. God is very good, ,and I thank the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Messiah everyday for being alive and getting another chance at living life the right way.

 My life does not run around the Steelers and the Pens anymore. I still like them, and will continue to follow them, but I want to broaden my horizons. I plan on going back to school so I can get a degree and learn more, and I plan on contributing to society on a consistent basis. I hope that most of you will still support me and wish me well in my future.

I want to thank everyone who said something nice and stood by me. I"m sorry if I disappointed people, but trust me I disappointed myself more than anyone. I wish all of you a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and God Bless.

--Mad Chad

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