Thursday, January 31, 2013

Yet Another School Shooting!

"ATLANTA (AP) — Atlanta police are responding to a report of a shooting at a school but had no other immediate details.
Police spokesman Carlos Campos told The Associated Press on Thursday afternoon that he was headed to Price Middle School just south of downtown but would not say why.
TV news helicopters show police activity at the school."
Of course shootings happen all the time and they have been happening for years even before Columbine. The main stream media will just blame the guns but so far one kid and one teacher died. You could kill a kid and a teacher with something other than a gun. Guns aren't too blame. I would blame violence in movies, and on t.v. and video games before I would just blame guns. Guns are a necessary evil for protection from bad people. Which is exactly the answer. 
We have armed guards protecting "our" money at banks and "our" politicians. What's wrong with putting armed guards at schools? You think a bad guy is going to try to shoot up a school with an ex-police officer or soldier providing armed protection? I think it would certainly diminish these kinds of instances. 
Instead we will just blame guns. Look guns don't kill people, people kill people. Instead of focusing on how people get killed, maybe we should focus on providing more protection to our citizens and understanding the mental illnesses that cause these acts. 

1 comment:

  1. but most of these kids that shoot up their schools, are doing it for the 15 minutes of fame, why should they kill themselves in their on house in the dark all alone when they can go to school, and make a name for themselves and be "hot shit" for awhile? i blame social media, and the news, they shouldnt plaster and shove these kind of stories down the public's throat for weeks on end, yes in the immediate are go ahead, but every where else, the news should just say, there was a school shooting, at this place, this is the amount of people dead or injured. end of news story.
