Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Even Ray Shero Knows Tyler Kennedy Sucks

artwork done by @Evil_Shero

Even Pittsburgh Penguins general manager Ray Shero knows Tyler Kennedy sucks. We know that thanks to Mike Colligan from the Hockey writers.  I mean I would suspect that he knows how much Kennedy does indeed suck, but to actually call out Kennedy publicly is a bit bizzarre. Especially if Shero is trying to deal him and please God I hope that is the case. 

Look the truth is Kennedy sucks. He has two points on the season so far with one goal and one assist. Craig Adams has more goals in one game than Kennedy has on the season and that dude scores every other March equinox. But even though Adams doesn't score he brings pretty much every other aspect of the game of hockey with some skill to the table, the opposite of Kennedy.

Kennedy doesn't fight, doesn't play outstanding defense, doesn't usually give outstanding effort, doesn't make impact hits, doesn't know how to pass the puck at all to anyone, and hits the net maybe once out of every 100 shots taken. Kennedy has one goal on the year despite being 4th on the team in shots taken. My favorite TK play is when he shoots the puck 400 foot wide of the net. It's like he's shooting prizes for the fans in the arena.

artwork done by @Evil_Shero

The thing about Kennedy is he's actually been one of the most productive 3rd-liners in the NHL the past four seasons. He's finished each of the last four seasons with at least 25 points, including a 45 point season two seasons ago which allowed him to get a two year $4 million deal from Shero and the Pens. That signing was considered the main reasons why A.) Jaromir Jagr didn't come back to Pittsburgh and B.) Max Talbot didn't get re-signed by the Pens. 

But maybe TK is just in a slump right? Maybe he misses Jordan Staal? Maybe TK is really a better player than you and I think? Is that possible?
artwork done by @Evil_Shero
Yeah I thought about it and he sucks. The good news is the Pens should be able to get something for him. His contract is up after this year but he's not that expensive, he's young, and he just scored 21 goals two seasons ago. If the Pens can get a 7th round pick for Eric Tangradi, the human statue who has just one career NHL goal, they should at least be able to get a 5th round pick for Kennedy. I don't know why anyone would want him but hey I'm just a guy with a blog. 

The Pens need to do something with TK though and soon. On Sunday against the Buffalo Sabers, head coach Dan Bylsma scratched very talented defenseman Simon Despres because of "toughness" reasons. Despres is 20x the hockey player Kennedy is and I'm pretty sure he would kick TK's ass if given the chance. How can Despres who has been playing really well this year be benched for a tougher player and TK gets to play every game? When does TK get benched for anything? I mean Byslma could make a wheel of all of the hockey attributes that Kennedy sucks at, spin it, and choose that reason for benching him. 

And if you're keeping him in the lineup because you plan on trading him to Minnesota or whoever, pull the freaking trigger. Kennedy being in the lineup is hurting the Pens. Kennedy will be gone by the trade deadline that's a no-brainer, I just hope he doesn't start magically producing points again. Because he'll literally haunt all of our dreams. 

artwork done by @Evil_Shero

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