Thursday, December 27, 2012

Penn State Drama in the Steel Valley School District

Something sick is going on in the Steel Valley School District.Something similar to what happened at Penn State University, but just on a much smaller scale.From what I have gathered from numerous anonymous sources, former Assistant Principal and former Steel Valley Varsity soccer coach Scott Meade has been kicked off of school property for several accusations involving child pornography and sexual misconduct with minors.

This is a quote from a anonymous source who went to Steel Valley High School while Mr. Meade was a serving president:" he has been remove from his position at SV the police confiscated his cell phone and computer because he has been accused of sexual misconduct with several male minors". 

This same source also played in the Munhall hockey league known as the "FHL" which stands for Franklin Hockey League. Mr. Meade was also very deeply involved in the daily operations of that league, which allowed minors to play in. 

Mr. Meade has not been at the FHL at all this year though. Again, from what I have heard Meade is not allowed on school property, although the school still has him listed under administrators on the school's website. 

Again, these charges are very serious and I would not want to pronounce someone guilty of anything until it's proven. Trust me I know what that feels like. I'm merely pointing out the fact that this is huge news or at least it should be huge news. 

Why hasn't any of the local news stations or papers done a story on this. Why aren't parents up in arms. Why did my little brother, who currently goes to Steel Valley say that he and other students were told "not to talk about it"? Another anonymous source has recently told me that Mr. Meade is currently on a "Paid Leave of Absence" while the police continue their investigation.

You have to wonder why everything is being kept a secret. The high school refuses to give out any information about this situation. Why? It's not like this would be the first time something like this has happened in the school district.\

Last year Jennifer Lynn Sowa Smith, who was a teacher at Steel Valley, was arrested in June 2011 for sending nude photographs of herself to multiple teenage boys. She is now a registered sex offender.  
She pleaded guilty before Allegheny County Common Pleas Judge Donna Jo McDaniel to corruption of minors, solicitation of sex acts, solicitation of child pornography, unlawful contact with a minor and endangering the welfare of children.

Why does this continue to happen in the school district? Where are the parents at? Why aren't people investigating the school district. Seeing as I have three other siblings whom I help take care of, I am very concerned about the lack of information the local police and the school have given out. It feels like Penn State all over again. It feels like bad people are being protected. It feels really shady. If you have any information please contact the school district, a news outlet of any kind, the police, etc..Hell contact me if you need to. 

Jerry Sandusky Meets Steel Valley

Something might be going on in the Steel Valley School District.Something similar to what happened at Penn State University, but just on a much smaller scale.From what I have gathered from numerous anonymous sources, former Assistant Principal and former Steel Valley Varsity soccer coach Scott Meade has been suspended off of school property for several accusations involving child pornography and sexual misconduct with minors.

This is a quote from a anonymous source who went to Steel Valley High School while Mr. Meade was a serving president. " he has been remove from his position at SV the police confiscated his cell phone and computer because he has been accused of sexual misconduct with several male minors".

This same source also played in the Munhall hockey league known as the "FHL" which stands for Franklin Hockey League. Mr. Meade was also very deeply involved in the daily operations of that league, which allowed minors to play in.

Mr. Meade has not been at the FHL at all this year though. Again, from what I have heard Meade is not allowed on school property, although the school still has him listed under administrators on the school's website.

Again, these charges are very serious and I would not want to pronounce someone guilty of anything until it's proven. Trust me I know what that feels like. I'm merely pointing out the fact that this is huge news or at least it should be huge news.

Why hasn't any of the local news stations or papers done a story on this. Why aren't parents up in arms. Why did my little brother, who currently goes to Steel Valley say that he and other students were told "not to talk about it"?

You have to wonder why everything is being kept a secret. Seeing as I have three other siblings whom I help take care of, I am very concerned about the lack of information the local police and the school have given out. It feels like Penn State all over again.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Good to be home. New perspective on life.

I'm back! Finally, after making some poor choices, getting my heart broken into pieces, and losing time out of my life, I am finally home. When your life comes to a sudden stop like mine did, and you get smacked in the face with reality, you start to learn an awful lot about life. I have humbled myself a lot, and I have chosen to take all of my recent experiences and use them to reevaluate my life, my plans for the future, and all of my decisions.

My whole life I always wanted to entertain people and because of my ego I made sure people knew and saw what I said. However, a lot of times I went about it the wrong way. I've made my fair share of bad decisions and in June they all finally caught up to me. It was bound to happen. But luckily for me God has chosen to give me a do-over. I'm not going to a prison for a long time, I'm in good health for the most part, I have a lot of great friends and family, I have a lot of supporters of my work out there, and all of that is more than what I deserve. I'm not a felon, or a rapist, child molester, or a murder.I didn't beat my wife or girlfriend nor did I even threaten anyone. I did some things the wrong way and I paid for it. You live and you learn.

. And I want to thank all of the people in my life and in my online life that said kind words and continued to support me. It was truly awesome to read so many nice comments and have the love and support from great families and friends. God is very good, ,and I thank the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Messiah everyday for being alive and getting another chance at living life the right way.

 My life does not run around the Steelers and the Pens anymore. I still like them, and will continue to follow them, but I want to broaden my horizons. I plan on going back to school so I can get a degree and learn more, and I plan on contributing to society on a consistent basis. I hope that most of you will still support me and wish me well in my future.

I want to thank everyone who said something nice and stood by me. I"m sorry if I disappointed people, but trust me I disappointed myself more than anyone. I wish all of you a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and God Bless.

--Mad Chad