Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Fuck Penn State

The title says it all, Fuck Penn State. Not all of the current students, teachers, or some of alumni, but for the most part, fuck Penn State.

Fuck Joe Paterno. Sure he was a good coach, he was the winningest coach of all-time, but fuck him. He knew about kids being raped/molested and did nothing about it. His wife, family, and fans/supporters are saying that "he didn't know anything about it". The FBI and sworn witnesses are saying that he did know about kids being molested and did nothing to help the situation. Who should we all believe?

Fuck Jay Paterno. Here are some quotes from Jay Paterno, former PSU coach and Joe Pa's son: All that aside, to believe that Joe Paterno would harbor a guy like that knowingly, you would have to throw out an entire life’s work of someone who gave his life to charity for children". Ok stop. So just because he did tons of charity work for children means he's a good guy and wouldn't harbor a child molester? The likes of Adolf Hitler and Putin have given tons of charity. Just you give to charity doesn't mean you're a good person, it's not what you give it's what's in your heart when you're giving it. 

Well, I can you tell you this. In our house one of the topics we never talked about was anything sexual. In my house, I’m still waiting for the birds and bees talk before I get married,” Jay Paterno said. WTF is Jay Paterno talking about. Talking about the birds and the bees, which is the sex talk for those of us living in 2013. So because Paterno didn't talk to his family about sex means that he wouldn't be involved in child molestation? On what planet does that make sense? 

Fuck Sue Paterno. Sue did an interview with Katie Couric. Here are some quotes and the link to that interview.  "If he knew in 2001 what he then learned in 2011, yes. He would have done more,” Sue Paterno said, answering another question from Couric about whether her husband could have done more to stop Sandusky. “Anyone would. But we didn’t have that benefit because we didn’t know anything." I know Sue is going to ride with her husband until she dies and I somewhat respect and expect that. I just find it appalling that she can defend him on all levels knowing that child rape was going on and her husband knew about it. 

Fuck Jerry Sandusky. Fuck all child molesters. These are the real criminals, these are sick people who need to go to jail for a long time. Luckily Sandusky is going to jail forever. Good riddance you sick piece of shit. 

Fuck everyone defending Paterno. Just because he was a good coach. Seriously? More to life than college football. 

Fuck the NCAA for making the football program suffer now and in the next few years. That's not fair. They didn't harbor child molesters. They didn't molest kids. Why should they be punished? 

Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/2013/02/12/4062388/sue-paterno-tells-katie-couric.html#storylink=cpy

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