Monday, March 4, 2013

William Gay is Coming Back To Pittsburgh!

Finally and The Rock means finally William Gay is coming back to Pittsburgh! I"m just kidding I'm not really that excited as some of yinz are but thanks to Twitter and social media, we now know that Gay is coming back to Pittsburgh.

You know how Pittsburgh is the new Hollywood, well this is perfect timing for William Gay.

Now what many of yinz don't know is that Gay is not coming back to play for the Pittsburgh Steelers. Gay will be cross-dressing this year and will be playing for the Pittsburgh Passion, Pittsburgh's women's professional football team.

Gay will be doing this for the upcoming and highly anticipated sequel to classic film "Juwanna Man", staring Miguel A. Núñez, Jr. and Kevin Pollack. The new movie will be titled Juwanna Man 2: Gay Day. Even though he wasn't good enough to play in the NFL, William Gay refuses to give up his hopes and dreams of playing professional football, even if it's pretending to be a woman.

Adam Stype is set to direct the film, which will be produced by Spare Change Films, Giant Eagle, and Hines Ward. "Gay is known for being a hard ass. But the demanding director will bring gay to his knees for this role" - one of the producers of the film.

"Finally Gay will have to compete as he is not the only one blowing the coach in the locker room"- an anonymous player on the Pissburgh Passion. 

"Gay was definitely one of the good guys in the locker room"- says Hines Ward, one of the very many producers of the film.  Ward went on to say "Gay was like the black Rudy, except he never accomplished anything, and still got a new contract and a Super Bowl ring. You can see why he's an inspirational figure".

Now Gay is a very serious method actor and will be living his role in real life. Everywhere he goes he'll be Juwanna Man 2, so make sure you remember that if he seems kind of feminine. I want to say that this is really amazing by Gay, who will now be a movie star and a women's pro football star. Not many can say that. You go Willie Gay! Welcome back to Pittsburgh. 

This was an entire joke if you take this serious and get mad about it you suck. 

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